Tag Archive for: Star Wars

Dear Galaxy I Love You #NotAshamed

We all have a story behind our pop culture loves that indefinitely link us to the toys we hold so dear. One world that is big in our store is Star Wars. We carry action figures, original 70s/80s/90s and new, memorabilia, promotional items, unique items, you-think-it-and-they’ve-probably-made-it items, enamel pins and everything in between. To the point, we love Star Wars. I love Star Wars and my connection to it goes back to, yes, when I was wee.

My father started it, my connection with Star Wars. It was the late 80s by the time I discovered his copy of the original VHS release of the trilogy. I was already familiar with the figures. We had quite the collection: action figures, an Ewok mask, a cork board featuring the cast, a lunchbox and even a tiny, kid-size Star Wars desk. The movies, however, blew me away. And even though I was of the in between generation, between the release of Episode IV-VI and the release of the prequels, I loved them all.

Those original three movies drew me in, as it did so many others, but why? Was it that it took you on an adventure over and over? Was it that good always won out no matter how appealing the dark side became? Was it the ridiculous creatures that somehow captured our hearts? For me, I believe it was all of the above. It didn’t matter how clunky some of the machinery or droids seemed to be, it didn’t matter how many side swipes jumped you from story to story, it had passion and heart from everyone who touched those films. It was the love of the people making those films that I believe in turn reached me and unleashed my imagination. It whisked up my hair into oversized cinnamon buns and said, “hey, this is pure fun and it’s alright.” And still to this day, the amount of ultimate joy I get by seeing a Jumbo Kenner-inspired Gamorrean Guard by Gentle Giant is an extension of that welcoming imagination. The figures and collectibles allow that rush of feeling, of love, and of awe I received from those films to wash over me like a kiss from a Bantha.

February is a month for many celebrations, but I think as we talk about love around Valentine’s Day we should speak about the love of our passions. After all, the love we feel for the movies, tv shows, and comics that made us is forever. To the artists who made them, we love you. You are astounding and we are not ashamed to say, yes, we probably will be dressed in head-to-toe cosplay and sleep in a several day, nay week(s), line the next time a Star Wars premiere is releasing in theaters and we are allowed to go.

Until then…

Stay Classy, Friends

– Movie Marathon Diane

Five ways to celebrate and end geek week!

What a fun summer to help you celebrate your inner-nerd! This great geeky summer is filled with events like Comic Con 2013, Geek Week, and even Shark Week (it doesn’t matter if it’s the same every year)!
How would you celebrate your own “geek week”? You’ll find our five ideas below, but we’d love to hear yours too – announce your geek week plans in the comments section or contact us with your ideas!

1- Discover your geek IQ – Just how nerdy ARE you?


2- Relive the magic of Harry Potter. It’s timeless, and think about it….when was the last time you read the series from start-to-finish? Do it; it will be just as magical as the first time, if not more because it will fill you with nostalgia.

3- Hunt for vintage items, particularly comic books and figures. Aside from our store, you can also check local yard sales, flea markets, and estate sales; sometimes people never know what treasures they consider clutter.

4- Never underestimate the power of a good Star Wars marathon week. Go ahead, treat yourself, everyone deserves the escape.

5- Play an MMORPG like World of Warcraft; try to play with friends if you can. (Already play?) Take advantage of the new in-game vanity items from Blizzard. Aesthetically captivating hoods are available for purchase on the World of Warcraft store. They look pretty awesome, and they’re just one of many reasons to enjoy the MMORPG!